<div dir="ltr">I LOVE the fido fleece coat we have. It was originally Blitzen ATB. She only needed jackets when she went outside. Browyn is a little smaller and she is always cold in the winter. She has to wear a sweater or fleece coat in the house and she can get into Blitzen's jacket with her indoor clothes on. These will NOT work on the really deep chested bassets. I tried every size available on Elwood ATB and it was a no go. Plus, his legs were so short the tiny legs on this jacket were too long. They would never work on Bugsey either. If I ever find one clearanced out enough I will get one for Beauford. (they are not cheap, and we are in IN).<div>
<br></div><div>Jennifer with Beauford, Bugsey and Browyn the Fairy Princess</div></div>