<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I have given an update. I have been very busy. The mom had to have some oral surgery and I have been taking care of her. It is really hard work making sure your human has a basset in their lap at all times! Fortunately, Bugsey helped me with this. Beauford is worthless for this. He doesn't like to lay on the humans, just next to them. I think on is better. That way the healing drool actually gets soaked into the human.<div>
<br></div><div>Anyway, we made it through Thanksgiving and no one managed to steal any food. The mom did feed us salad and veggies.</div><div><br></div><div>I am so jealous of Gracie! I had a toy with a crinkle bottle in it once. I LOVED it! I ran around for hours making it go crinkle, crinkle. The mom took my wolf and took the bottle out and gave it back to me. She said that if she didn't do that she would end up in a padded room. I guess it is a good thing that squeeky toys don't have the same effect on her. I can run and squeek for hours as well!</div>
<div><br></div><div>We are drooling for all in need, even the mom! Not sure if human drool has the same healing properties as basset drool, but it is worth a shot!</div><div><br></div><div>Browyn the Fairy Princess with Beauford and Bugsey</div>