<html><body><div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000"><P>Auntie Feyfey! Still busy up there? (Sound of swatting.) What is that for....no ma'am. I did not mean to be disrespectful. Yes, I know you are always busy. Yes, I am supposed to be working hard down here.......what is that good smell? Perfume? Ah, sauce. Pw. Penny arrived. Is she as bootiful as her pictures? Really.......who is that with you? Pw. Misty? One of your very first Pws! Arooooo! Bone jour Misty! That is all the French I know. Misty came to greet Penny who waddled in her pawprints. Pw. Penny was one of my heroines.....she was a splendid slave trainer. She and her 'dopeted sister got her slave to do do most anything they bid. The vacation pictures, all over da world were so fantastic they looked like photo shop. The food, the pampering.....ah.....I digress. Pw. Penny also worked to help her homeless French Friends. The buffet was a little overwhelmed since the big doins early in the week. The kitchen beagles are feeling a little peaked and put out. They insist their contract allows for more poker than they have been getting. So, Auntie Feyfey had to call in the poodles to cook for Pw. Penny. That must be why the scent of sauce is in the air! I am very sorry that senior Pw. Penny is with Feyfey........Caruso has the telescope pointed to the east of me....... Caruso, stop looking at the pwitty food in France......that's better. Pw. Penny is checking in on her people and Polly. She does not want to sniff Polly in pawson for many years.</P>
<P>Pawtunia, Pawin in.</P></div></body></html>