<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><div><span><br></span></div><div> i need some advice on dosage for buster brown basset hound. since missy lowla passed in march buster (who has always felt he was the alpha male) is having shall we say some confidence is leadership issues. if he were still based in the jersey shore it probably wouldn't be an issue but mr "i'm from staten island, a nyc boy (cue the theme from saturday night fever)" & while i am adjusting to nature i am not totally at one with it he is not so brave.<br><br>lowla ruled with a gentle but firm paw. she tolerated his "yeah i am the king" crap but there was no doubt it was her ballpark. now he feels he must step up or leave it to sally (whose theme song is "if i only had a brain" from the wizard of oz)<br><br>he barks when i am gone.
much. which gets her to bark. & so it goes. so if i can take the edge off of him some that would help..i thought i would try melatonin..but have no idea for a 45 lb basset. i know that the now warmer ..yeah no more -30 degree weather & the snow is almost gone outside also means he will be getting more activity which will help plus he is missing lowla even tho they were not the bonded pair.<br><br><br>so iffen i could get some ideas on dose that would be nice.<br><br>yes missy lowla departed on st pat's day after over 4 years with us. she came as a foster & then never left. i adopted her before i moved to NH so she would always have family, but she adopted me the day she met me..people always said that. she was a basset know never needed a leash..she herded me..kept track of me...a sweet, loving girl..her brain was addled with some disease..tumor, cancer, something which gave her seizures, blindness
& pain but what a smush. i took her on 3 "make a wish" trips to NH with us camping & folks would prepare her prime rib & prepare her ice cream sundaes. she was a special one.<br><br>so on st pat's day, she met her vet in nj, the one that adored her (as well as the other two & and foster that tagged along) & she peacefully moved on. many tears were shed...& because my vet is awesome we all then went outside & tormented buster..because he torments dr garcia. i saw 3 eagles that trip...2 on the way down & one driving back north..it felt like it stopped & looked into my car & right into my eyes before it flew off. came with 3, left with 2 i took it as a sign.<br><br>my house is noisy, but kinda empty.<br><br>lois & buster brown basset hound (i saw a moose) & sally (i saw a mouse)<br><br></div><div><span style="font-weight:bold;"><br><span style="font-style:italic;color:rgb(0, 191,
191);">"Creativity is intelligence having fun." </span> Albert Einstein<br><br></span><span style="color:rgb(0, 191, 191);"><br></span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span><br></div></div></body></html>