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I forgot to mention something about Sydney and the agility course -- everyone
who's lost a dog probably knows how memories suddenly pop up that you hadn't
thought of in years --<br>
Admittedly, the agility course wasn't a full-blown professional one, but
it had most of the stuff. What makes Sydney's feat most memorable (now, as
the past comes flooding back) is that she was out there <b>all by herself</b>.
She had watched a few dogs and their handlers go through, and while we busy
talking to someone she ambled out there and moseyed through the tunnel, hopped
over a jump or two, went on a see-saw (she was a little annoyed about the
other end dropping to the ground, but it didn't deter her) and went over
a final jump. I assume she was following the scent of the other dogs... It
did take her a little longer than allowable, but the applause was loud at
the end, and rightly so.<br>
A little while ago, the rest of our pack had their 9 o'clock bark attack
and I was struck by the absence of that well-known Basset sound, which is
like no other (except maybe a bloodhound) and how un-menacing they all sound
now. A bunch of sissies. I don't feel nearly as safe without a Basset in
my house! For the first time in over 55 years, that bell is silent.<br>
Riche (who will try to not blather again, but won't promise...)<br>