.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><BR><font color="#000000" face="Franklin Gothic Medium" size="3">Hello droolers. A thought came to me today - how much noise do bassets generally make? In my experience they are a fairly quiet breed, but I think this is because I have only owned one basset at any one time, and certainly when I have visited people with a brood of bassets there is a fair bit of noise. <BR> <BR>But back to the noises. There are a few I can think of. First we have the howl, possibly the loveliest noise of all. Pumbaa (now ATB) would howl when I came home after work, shopping etc, and would also do a subdued howl in the morning if we were having a lie-in and he wanted us up. Sometimes there would be a full-blown Arooooooooooooooooooo, other times just a croaky Wooooo (the end bit of the arooooooooo) and sometimes just a perfectly formed O on his mouth but no sound (very cute).<BR> <BR>Morse has howled when I was playing the harmonica to him (poor lad) and also howls in his dreams, but generally he is not a howler. <BR> <BR>Then the woof. Morse doesn't woof at people arriving at the door, etc. Food is the one thing that will make him woof, and he has a very deep melodic woof. When I give him a bone he throws his head from side to side, paws the ground and then WOOF. Yesterday I counted just over 50 woofs, all at this bone. His tail wags furiously. Luckily the neighbours are tolerant.<BR> <BR>Then there is the subtle, but definite, hrrrmph and sigh, which is given when I make a noise and disturb his nibs as he is trying to sleep, when I give him a hug and obviously wake him up, and sometimes when he is trying to sleep the head moves just maybe an inch off the pillow for him to glare coldly at me, and with a hrrrmph he slams his head back into the pillow and goes back to sleep. <BR> <BR>And lastly, a noise that has been cultivated recently is the yawn that ends with a fairly loud "ow". Morse has been doing this of late and as it has met with vast approval (lots of giggling) he now does it at every available opportunity. <BR> <BR>So there you have it. A fairly mundane subject, but one for comparison - what noises does your basset make? (oh. and I haven't included the rear end ones, of which there are many,).<BR> <BR>Becky, Morse and Pumbaa ATB<br id="FontBreak"><BR></font> </div></body>