<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Synthia was always an inspiration to me when it came to rescuing dogs, of any breed, no matter how many problems they had. She and I communicated quite a bit back in 2009/2010 and occasionally in recent years through facebook. I am grateful that I got to know a little bit of her. She truly was a helpful, compassionate, intelligent and passionate rescuer, who did her best by so many dogs that I know she will have much to rejoice about at the bridge. It's those left behind who suffer, and I am holding Dawn, Sandi and those who were far closer to Synthia, in my heart today. <br>
<br></div>In 2008 she posted this poem, which I saved, and I think it is fitting to re-post today. Synthia was the epitome of what it means to be a rescuer and she was a great dogmom. <br><br>TO MY FOSTER MOM<br>There I sat, alone and afraid,<br>
You got a call and came right to my aid.<br>You bundled me up with blankets and love.<br>And, when I needed it most, you gave me a hug.<br>I learned that the world was not all that scary and cold.<br>That sometimes there is someone to have and to hold.<br>
You taught me what love is, you helped me to mend.<br>You loved me and healed me and became my first friend.<br>And just when I thought you'd done all you do,<br>There came along not one new lesson, but two.<br>First you said, "Sweetheart, you're ready to go.<br>
I've done all I can, and you've learned all I know."<br>Then you bundled me up with a blanket and kiss.<br>Along came a new family, they even have kids!<br>They took me to their home, forever to stay.<br>At first I thought you sent me away.<br>
Then that second lesson became perfectly clear.<br>No matter how far, you will always be near.<br>And so, Foster Mom, you know I've moved on.<br>I have a new home, with toys and a lawn.<br>But I'll never forget what I learned that first day.<br>
You never really give your fosters away.<br>You gave me these thoughts to remember you by.<br>We may never meet again, and now I know why.<br>You'll remember I lived with you for a time.<br>I may not be yours, but you'll always be mine.
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>- Author Unknown</font><br><br></div>Love and drool to all,<br>Kacy with Cowboy and Rupert<br></div>