.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><font style="font-size:10pt;" color="#000000" face="Verdana" size="2"><font style="" color="#8C0095"><font style="" face="Verdana">Miss Maggie Mildred<br><font style="" face="Verdana">June 2, 2005 - June 26, 2014<br><br><font style="" face="Verdana">Kimberly Smith, a <font style="" face="Verdana">member of the Drool, had to say goodbye to her darling Maggie Mildred today.<br><br><font style="" face="Verdana">Maggie had been not-quit<font style="" face="Verdana">e-well for a few days; today, the vet discovered that her intestines were riddled with cancer<font style="" face="Verdana"> and that she was without hope.<br><br><font style="" face="Verdana">From the time that Kimberly was a gi<font style="" face="Verdana">rl, she had longed to have a Basset. Maggie was her first and was such a wonderful dog that <font style="" face="Verdana">she was joined in short or<font style="" face="Verdana">der by another, Barney.<br><br><font style="" face="Verdana"><font style="" face="Verdana">Kimberly is utterly distraught, heartbroken, in shock and pain. No words can help right now, but what I know is that Maggie was loved beyond measure, loved from the very moment that Kimberly and her family firs<font style="" face="Verdana">t saw her.<br><br><font style="" face="Verdana">Should you wish to extend your sympathy, Kimberly's email address is puppilicious@live.com .<br><br><font style="" face="Verdana">(This <font style="" face="Verdana">has been sent with Kimberly's permission.)</font></font><br id="FontBreak"></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font><br><br><br> </div></body>