<div dir="ltr">Oh Val! I so know what you mean. Our Bubbles ATB was like Bo. She decided when everyone ate, when snack time was, when nap time was, playtime, bedtime, choir practice. The schedule never varied. She ruled with an iron fist. Thinsngs got a little crazy after her second stroke because she lost that internal clock with that one. So she didn't know what time it was and couldn't remember that we all just ate. When she died, I couldn't believe the huge whole in my life, schedule and heart. We all know that we love our children equally, but we have different relationships with each one. We fought her entire life. She was a daddy's girl and threw me the finger constantly. I really didn't think I would miss her at all when she died. She needed so much care and attention in her last months and she was still barking in my face and throwing the finger. I refused to have anything to do with the decision to put her to sleep. I didn't want to be jaded. Then the day came. I was heartbroken and inconsolable for weeks. She had to die before I realized that I really did love her to pieces and she was an important part of my life. I still miss her sassiness sometimes, but I am grateful she didn't pass it on to anyone else. Actually she did pass on the barking the entire time I am trying to dish the bowls. It took three more dogs dying before that habit was put to rest. This crew just stares at me and drools all over the floor.<div>
<br></div><div>Jennifer with Beauford (I am the one that ended the tradition. I am not big on lots of noise), Bugsey (I drool the most), and Browyn the Fairy Princess</div></div>