<html><head><style data-externalstyle="true"><!--
p.MsoListParagraph, li.MsoListParagraph, div.MsoListParagraph {
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--></style></head><body><div data-externalstyle="false" dir="ltr" style="font-family:Calibri,'Segoe UI',Meiryo,'Microsoft YaHei UI','Microsoft JhengHei UI','Malgun Gothic','Khmer UI','Nirmala UI',Tunga,'Lao UI',Ebrima,sans-serif;font-size:12pt;"><div>I am sorry for what you are facing. This is the crappy part of loving our four-leggers. We owe it to them to make their end as comfortable as possible. No one can make the decision for you. I assume you have chatted with your vet? Sometimes vets are loathe to suggest ‘letting them go’. It sounds as though your brain knows what you need to do, but your heart is having a bit of a time catching on. You have to decide what her quality of life really is. You know her best. Are you thinking of her or you ( meaning all humans involved). It is very hard to make the decision to let them go. When the time is right- it is the last gift we can give them. To assure them of an easy way to leave this earth. If you have never been there for it- almost all of the time it is a very quiet easy procedure. Most vets will give a shot to put them to sleep ( like they would if they were having surgery) and then the next shot has meds to stop the heart. Some vets use a combination 2/1 shot. </div><div>sending you some cyber hugs as you do through this difficult time. </div><div>Angelika</div><div> </div><div data-signatureblock="true"><div> </div><div>Sent from Windows Mail</div><div> </div></div></div></body></html>