<div dir="ltr">Dear Mila,<div>My mom had to take me out on a leash when they were working in the yard and roofing the house too! I am not big on strange anyone--men or women, but I think short men are the worse. If you are a man and over 6 feet tall and under 200 lbs, you might be okay. My dad is 6'2" and 180 pounds. My old vet was a little fatter but he wasn't built like a football player. My new vet is like that as well, but skinny like my dad. I think he may be okay in another visit or 2. Most of these men are much shorter and not to be trusted. Mom says I am weird because I like medium height fluffy women with short hair the best. I think that is because that is what my mom is. Dad says as soon as the guy finishes cleaning up the mess from our bathroom, we are taking a break. He just can't handle all the strange people in his house either. I am just glad the parents decided that the basset bathroom was more important to do first than their bathroom. Technically, theirs is in worse shape, but I was scared to death me or the mom or one of my siblings was going to end up on our head being lifted into the tub. It is a small bathroom and in a moment of pure genius, they put the controls to the tub on the same side as the toilet. So the mom had to pretend to be a contortionist to try to bathe us. Now we have a 60 inch long shower stall in pretty non-slip (so they say,mom has an anti-slip mat) tile. With any luck mom will get the grout sealed today and our duoxo shampoo will come in the mail (thanks to Lady Foxy's foster mom). The mom always thought this was a prescription. She got it from the vet for Elwood ATB and she LOVED it. She used the last of it up on me because I have the worst skin. </div><div><br></div><div>Beauford with Bugsey (who will need a whitening shampoo as well because all his white is down right pink) and Browyn (who reeks, positively reeks!)</div></div>