<html><body><div style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000"><DIV><BR>Momcakes, what's up? I hear horns blowing......what? Admiral Bo declared some kind of welcome aboard for Tanner? Houndies lined up, more or less, they are houndies? The kitchen beagles have been tossing books through the air looking for new receipes? The crock pots are working, the grill is going and somehow they managed to make eggs? Still trying........... Tanner has been well greeted and is having eggs until the beagles get the mess cleaned up and make him some proper food.... ah and some cheese. They have lots of cheese. Bo has woofed them to crack out the Spam. He likes that. Caruso has the telescope focused and Tanner is looking home.</DIV>
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