It is with many tears and great sadness to let you all know that I had to let Ruffus go yesterday. He was my goofy looking tri boy that we rescued almost 10 or 11 years ago this coming Christmas day. My BIL found him hugging the foundation of the building where he worked, cold and emaciated. We brought him home, nursed him back to health and he has been with us ever sense. He made the move to Florida with us this past January.<div><br></div><div>He loved riding in the truck. I had driven it to work yesterday planning on getting food for my horses. As usual, he greated me with his tail going in circles and a big smile on his snooter. I opened the gate, petted and loved on him, thought he was out of the way, but he some how went in front of me. I ran over my precious boy. I took him to the nearest vet, but his injuries were too severe, so the decision was made to do the best thing for him. I feel so guilty! Fly free my sweet boy. Please forgive your Mom.</div><div><br></div><div>Marsha</div>