.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><font color="#000000" size="3"> Hey it's me Jennie Mae of the Tana Triplets. I am the bell hound around here. Hear me sing! I get up on the back of the love seat and the other 3 are on the top of the couch(if Lacey doesn't push Annie Belle off first). It doesn't take me long to get going and then the others sing or howl in 3 part harmony. Trouble is after about 3 minutes either mom or aunty Suz says that's enuff. How rude! UPS man and fedex guy smile when we sing. Mailman laughed, but he juss retired. Maybe we should hire out?</font><BR> <BR>Tana gurls<BR>Jennie Mae, Annie Belle, and Lacey Jo with cuzzin Holly Noelle Green<BR>(<a href="mailto:pawsforblossom@hotmail.com">pawsforblossom@hotmail.com</a>)<BR> <BR><font color="#000000" size="3"><br id="FontBreak"></font> <BR> </div></body>