<p dir="ltr">I am getting so frustrated with Bugsey ' s ears. He went in yesterday for a recheck and they were terrible! Yes, I know this is probably exasperated by allergies. We have to wait until winter before we can retest him. No, I don't need a new vet. This one is really on top of things and insists on doing cytology at every ear recheck. So I know it is yeast and nothing but yeast. No, Bugsey cannot eat a grain free diet. He is allergic to potatoes and green peas. A big part of our problem is he is allergic to miconizal. Plus apparently there is this big back order on a lot of ear medications and washes. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Just to add insult to injury, he has started throwing up occasionally again. Plus, his teeth have gone south suddenly. He now has gingivitis and his little gums bleeds every time I brush his teeth. So he is getting his teeth cleaned next week. His blood work came back great.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Jennifer with Beauford, Bugsey and Browyn the Fairy Princess <br>
<a href="mailto:Timandjenmartin@gmail.com">Timandjenmartin@gmail.com</a> </p>