<div dir="ltr">I am the Mighty Browyn The Fairy Princess! Hear Me Roar! I went fishing on the high seas and caught a ginormous fish all by myself. I am so talented!...<div><br></div><div>Excuse me. Bugsey here. Here is what really happened. The mom was cleaning the two betta tanks (sometimes known as Siamese Fighting Fish). The new fish jumped out of the tank when mom took the lid off to scrape down the algae. Unfortunately for the fish mom didn't notice right away because she went down the hall to get a better algae scraper. Browyn found the fish. It was small, less than an inch and she smashed it into the floor until it was very flat and very dead. Not that exciting. Well, I guess it was for a brief moment for the poor fish.</div><div><br></div><div>In more exciting news I went to the vet...again. He put more medicine in my ears. He says that next week we will see if all the bad yeasty beasties are gone. </div><div><br></div><div>Browyn the Fairy Princess with Bugsey and Beauford</div></div>