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<div id="id_56e96f2941aac4830038314" class="text_exposed_root text_exposed" style="display: inline;">From me as well as all 2000 hounds that have come into Looziana Basset Rescue since we started in 1998, heartfelt thanks goes out to every single person and group who played an integral part in our HUGE effort to come in First Place in the Gulf Coast Bank Contest. WE DID IT... but we could never have done it without the help of people from here in the United States as well as basset and animal lovers all over the world. We are a small group and we very rarely keep more than 25 dogs in rescue. This is truly on purpose because I figured out a long time ago how many dogs it was feasible for us to have in rescue at any one time. 1/3 of these dogs are permanent foster dogs who will live out their lives with us due to major health or temperament issues. The other 2/3 will eventually be posted on our websites and placed, that's after the majority of those dogs go through heartworm treatment that takes over 3 months. Even with many foster homes, the greater part of our money is spent on boarding and heartworm treatment, a major problem for these Southern dogs.<br>
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this victory possible. My last photo is of my beloved Betsy Mary, AKA QueenB, who was the inspiration for Looziana Basset Rescue. She is a worn out hound in this photo as I'm sure all of you are too now that this contest is over.<br>
Thanks again to all of you hard working animal lovers. It took a world, not just a village, to make this happen.</div>
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<div class="_5cq3" data-ft="{"tn":"E"}" style="position: relative;"><a class="_4-eo _2t9n" href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208613656117393&set=gm.10154030932591477&type=3" rel="theater" ajaxify="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208613656117393&set=gm.10154030932591477&type=3&size=960%2C720&player_origin=photos" style="color: rgb(59, 89, 152); cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0470588) 0px 1px 1px; display: block; position: relative; width: 470px;"></a></div>
<div style="clear:both">Leslie A. Wallace<br>
Looziana Basset Rescue, Inc.
<div>501(c)3 nonprofit<br>
<div>Jefferson SPCA Board <br>
<div>Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter Advisory Board</div>