<div dir="ltr">We have been owned by 8 dogs in the last 30 plus years. Male rescued puppy (Belgian/lab mix) was a gentle soul without an ounce of aggression and lived a long life. But, he was an "only" dog. He loved the kids. Then we got 2 male Golden's (littermate puppies). One was the alpha and the other became the super alpha. I was very careful letting them meet other dogs as they could get aggressive. All visiting dogs had to be greeted outside before being allowed in the house. One died at 12 so his brother was lonely.<div>Enter our first female dog - a Basset, MacKenzie. This little thing (15 lbs when we got her) took on the 130 lb. (looked like a blond St. Bernard) golden super alpha. He was totally at her beck and call. Then we got a male basset puppy. He is a very mellow non aggressive boy and MacKenzie is his boss. When Cycso, the golden, died near his 15th birthday, both were lonely for him. So... we got another female, a 10 year old rescue. She was even bossier than MacKenzie. We felt that 3 wasn't enough so decided to get another puppy, male. A year after Poppy passed, we were foster failures to a younger female basset.</div><div><br></div><div>Bottom line - Boys rough house, but girls rule.<br><div><br></div></div></div>