<p dir="ltr">I swear by pet insurance. When I got Beauford (who will be 8 in January ) Pets Best Insurance was the best deal around. They charge me a one time $100 deductible per diagnosis code and then cover 20%. I have Beauford who last year was 7, Bugsey 5, and Browyn 3 by their calendar year. Beauford's birthday is before the premium and Bugsey and Browyn fall after. After paying the premium, they paid me $5000 for routine crap that happened. Last year was uneventful. We had the allergies, but we met the life time limit on Bugsey in April which includes his ear infections. Arthritis medication for Beauford. A UTI or two for Browyn and gatritis on one or two. I don't do wellness because my vet is cheaper than the deductible. All that mess with Bugsey was a $2200 refund for us. <br>
Pets Best is no longer the best Healthy Paws is, but I can't afford to change because of the whole pre-existing conditions clause. I really suggest it. It really saves you when your dog does something stupid and eats something weird. We are talking bassets folks. They will eat anything! Even when they don't end up doing surgery all those xrays and shots and prescriptions add up fast.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Jennifer with Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn the Fairy Princess (holds the record with refrigerator magnets--the whole waiting room was laughing at us)<br>
<a href="mailto:timandjenmartin@gmail.com">timandjenmartin@gmail.com</a> </p>