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</head><body><p>Dear Slaves-</p><p><br></p><p>Rusty and I are having a lot of fun in London with Rolph and Clara. I have long wanted to sniff Rolph cause I have rarely met a handsome long furred furiend and Clara is just lovely. Many years ago Aunties Pat and Carol and my she slave rode a duckboat in Pittsburgh and I knew to quackwoof when people looked at the 'boat' driving by. I was a little scared at having to swim for it, but have enjoyed the rest of the trip. Liked the shopping very much. These folks know how to wear a hat and I do like a good hat. I saw the guys in the big black hats outside Bawkingham Pawlace....really hoping those are faux beaver. I'm looking forward to meeting da Queen. As a Queen myself, I think we should have much to bawk about. I'm very happy to have my Chunkypuppy with me. Always good to see my for real son and his roomates. Rusty has very much been enjoying the food and says that they started out with two barrows of picnic fare, but he wisely suggested they trim it down.</p><p><br></p><p>I gots an idea. Good dawG willing, I am 12 days from my 13th birthday. Momcakes had me on May 16, 2004 (Waddle day). A few months back the vet lady was ready to send me to see Feyfey, but I decided I am not yet willing to leave. I am on, at least my 6th life. I survived pyometra (which finished off my nacent show career), lyme disease, a couple infections, back surgery when I couldn't walk, a huge dead tree falling on my head in the park, seizures, repeated back and neck problems, not eating for days or walking........and having my 5 puppies who are about to be 10. It is a miracle that I am close to 13. Iffen ya might think of sending a little bawkmitzvah giftie, maybe a donation to help the homeless hounds in the UK? Rolph and Clara are working hard for the money and Drool trip fundraisers are a tradition. I am a Jewish houndette and in Hebrew, the related word <em>chaya</em> means "living thing" or "animal", and is derived from the Hebrew word <em>chai</em> (חי), meaning "life". Supposedly the letters of <em>chai</em> add up to 18 many Jews give gifts of money in multiples of 18. ( I looked it up so I could paw it right.) Put that together with the Drool tradition of fundraising and how hard Pw. Rolph and Clara are working on having us all. Maybe a donation of 18 dollars or 18 pounds to the UK basset rescue? Here's the paypal link. <a class="mailto-link" href="mailto:payments@brngb.org.uk">payments@brngb.org.uk</a> Tell em Pawtunia sent ya in honor of Rolph and Clara's trip!</p><p><br></p><p>Thank you and I have to make it down the lift in time for tea with Clara and Millie. I never knew tea could be so satisfying. Another scone, please. With some of that cream.</p><p><br></p><p>Pawtunia</p></body></html>