<div dir="ltr">Unfortunately, I have had four dogs that as they aged just kept losing muscle. In two it was true hip dysplasia and started much younger. In the second two it was just OA and old age. I did adequan in all 4 of them. I had to take Bismark off of it because he felt so great on it that he went back to running a circle of jumping from piece of furniture to the next when he was 12 and deaf and blind! I could not get him to stop and I knew he was going to seriously injure himself! Bubbles and Elwood did so great on the adequan that Beauford has been on it since he was about 1 when we figured out he had bad joints. We confirmed it at age 2. Both Elwood and Beauford got laser treatments. The vet didn't have it for Bubbles and Bismark. Laser treatments are AMAZING. I heartily recommend both. Beauford has pretty much stablilized on adequan shots every 3 weeks, phycox in the morning, dasuquan at night. He hasn't needed a laser treatment in about 6 years. He just turned 9 the first of January. The new vet, when we moved from IN to GA, said that on examination, you can't even tell he has wicked hip dysplasia. His xrays are truly dreadful, even for a basset. Meanwhile we will be sending drool and prayers to Edgar and Terry that Edgar gets better.<div><br></div><div>Jennifer with Beauford, Bugsey, and Browyn the Fairy Princess</div><div><a href="mailto:timandjenmartin@gmail.com">timandjenmartin@gmail.com</a></div></div>