<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:georgia,serif;font-size:small;color:#000000">Hello drool family, we have been lurkers more recently but used to participate in DD frequently. We are asking please for some drool for Morse, who is 14 in a couple of months. He doesn't seem quite himself, but it could be heat related. We haven't called the vet yet as he is not bad enough, but is just having vague symptoms, he was quite uncomfortable and pacing Friday night, but not bloating - it could have been even wind - couldnt settle, with his butt stuck in the air which generally means pain doesnt it. He then slept outside for the entire night and I slept in the hallway and watched over him. Finally a second Tramadol settled him. Better since but just not quite himself, but then he has never reacted well to medication, gets very spaced out easily.</div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:georgia,serif;font-size:small;color:#000000">He hates the vets so we would rather not stress him.</div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:georgia,serif;font-size:small;color:#000000">Just a little drool would be great please. We know his buddies Rolph and Clara have also been having a hard time of it. Where has the time gone - I remember so clearly when they were all 3 at the same waddle and causing havoc!  I so wish we could turn the clock back, we love them so dearly. We are taking him out lunchtime for some dinner and hope we get to see our boy doing his woofs. Now he is deaf he often does silent woofs - the mouth does the WOOF but no sound comes out at all. Love him to bits.</div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:georgia,serif;font-size:small;color:#000000">Big hugs to all you droolers and your lovely hounds, and we send drool to any who are needing it.</div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:georgia,serif;font-size:small;color:#000000">Becky, Morse and Pumbaa ATB </div></div>