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</head><body><p>I will be holding my houndies close as I hold you in my heart, Sandi. I'm so sorry you've had to say goodbye to Delilah Belle. She must have been the most wonderful heart-dog. There are certain dogs who enter our lives and become a fundamental part of us. In that way, they can never leave us. I hope that Delilah is delighting in her banquet at the Bridge. I know my ATB crew will be thrilled to meet her. Sandi, take care and know that you are supported by all of us Droolers who know exactly how deep a loss saying goodbye to our canine companions is.<br></p><p>Lois Leader and her ATB crew: Strider and Zar and Misty and Bobo and Scout and Garfield.<br></p><p>lois.leader@cox.net<br></p></body></html>