<div dir="ltr">Jennifer here. I have to admit I am about ready to rip out my hair. I thought we finally figured out the mystery to all of Bugsey's regurgitating. Nope. He regurgitated last Thursday and so I gave him a week of sucralfate. I figured it was just a fluke. No big deal. Then yesterday morning I was dishing up breakfast and suddenly my feet were all wet and disgusting. Yep. Bugsey regurgitated on my feet while waiting for my breakfast! No. He isn't in trouble. He didn't get yelled at. It isn't his fault. But, it is frustrating that we obviously don't have this all under control. He is on sucralfate for another 10 days and if he throws up over the weekend, he gets to see the vet next week. Meanwhile I have the crew in drool overdrive for Guiness, Clara and anyone else in need.<div><br></div><div>Jennifer with Beauford, Bugsey and Browyn the Fairy Princess</div></div>