<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr"><span style="font-size:12.8px">Fall is in the air, and the hounds are starting to prep for winter. This means longer naps and extra kibble. For you and I this means it is time to start thinking about the upcoming holiday season and the Daily Drool Howliday Card Exchange!</span><br></div><div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><br style="font-size:12.8px"><span style="font-size:12.8px">For those who are new to the list, this is an annual tradition in which Droolers exchange holiday cards featuring their hounds. Below is a little bit of information to help you understand how it works and determine if it is something you'd like to pawticipate in. Watch for sign-ups sometime next week.</span><br style="font-size:12.8px"><div style="font-size:12.8px"><br><b>HOW DOES IT WORK?</b><br><br>If you choose to participate and sign up, you will receive a list of Droolers in early December. You mail your cards to everyone on the list, and you'll receive cards in return. Most of us receive more greetings from four-leggers than from two-leggers.<br><br><b>WHAT KIND OF GREETINGS DO PEOPLE SEND?</b><br><br>The creativity of Droolers is endless. You can make your own cards or get them done professionally. Cards are easiest to display, but larger pieces are acceptable. The only requirement is that the greetings <u>must</u> include a photo of your hounds. Your cards can also include photos of your family and/or other non-basset pets.<br><br></div><span style="font-size:12.8px">To see past examples of Howliday Cards, visit Leon and Debbie Winstanley's website, where they have so generously displayed the cards that they receive each year. If you scroll down to Basset Stuff, you can browse cards by year, from 2005 through 2018. </span><br style="font-size:12.8px"><a href="http://www.winstanleyclan.us/" style="font-size:12.8px" target="_blank">http://www.winstanleyclan.us</a><br style="font-size:12.8px"><div style="font-size:12.8px"><br>The best greetings are in color, feature your pets prominently, and have your name and email<br>(so other Droolers can recognize you from your posts).<br><br></div><div style="font-size:12.8px">Commercial solicitations are not permitted. If you are considering anything other than a straight howliday card with pictures of your hound, please email me to see if it would be considered commercial. </div><div style="font-size:12.8px"><br><b>HOW MANY CARDS WOULD I HAVE TO SEND?</b><br><br>This year there will only be two lists--and you can sign up for the one that best fits your budget and time commitment:<br><br>The Full list runs 80 Droolers<br>The Short list runs 60 Droolers<br><br><b>HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?</b><br><br>There's no cost to sign up. However, you have the cost of creating cards and mailing them. We don't want anyone dropping out because they didn't realize what it would cost so please do the math before you sign up! And remember, Droolers from Canada, Europe, Australia and the Far East participate, so there are some overseas postage costs as well.<br><br><b>CAN I SEND OUT CARDS WITH SOMEONE ELSE TO SAVE ON POSTAGE?</b><br><br>Yes, some Droolers do put their cards in the same envelope to save on postage--it's up to you to find partner(s) by posting to the Daily Drool email list (and you and your partner(s) must both sign up for the same length list). If you sign up for the short list, make sure you let me know so you and your partner can be put on the same short list.<br><br><b>WHEN DO I HAVE TO MAIL THE CARDS?</b><br><br>You can mail anytime over the Howlidays, starting in early December and ending in<br>mid-January. If you can't mail your cards on time, you must let me know.<br><br><b>WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS AND I CAN'T SEND OUT MY CARDS?</b><br><br>Unfortunately, things do happen: accidents, illness, job loss, a death in the family. If something happens that will keep you from sending your cards, please let me know immediately. Droolers are understanding about this. However, people who drop out without letting me know why will be excluded from future exchanges.<br><br><b>HOW DO I GET THE LABELS?</b><br><br>In the 1st week of December, you'll get an email with your list attached. The list will be already pre-formatted for the standard Avery labels #5160 (1 x 2 5/8), compatible with PDF, Word or Excel. If you don't have a printer or don't want to purchase labels, you always have the option to hand-write the addresses from the list provided to you. <br><br><b>HOW ARE THE LISTS PUT TOGETHER?</b><br><br>In the *more than you'd ever want to know* category, here's how it works.<br><br>About 50 Droolers sign up for the full list. They send cards to everyone, and everyone sends cards to them.<br><br>About 30 Droolers sign up for the short list. This group is divided into about multiple lists, with 5-10 people each. Each list sends cards to the other 5-10 people on their list, as well as to the Droolers who signed up for the full list. So, each short list is about 60 names - the 50 'full listers' and several other short list people.<br><br><b>WHAT'S A HERO LIST?</b><br><br>In addition to the Daily Drool Howliday Card Exchange, we like to recognize people, particularly vets and rescuers, who have been especially helpful to bassets throughout the year. You can show your appreciation by sending extra cards to people on this list. Or, you can nominate someone you think is a hero.<br><br><b>WHAT'S A SPECIAL PERSON LIST?</b><br><br>Well, you know who a special person is...someone who loves bassets and needs an extra special pick-me-up during the holiday season. In the past this list has had former basset owners, basset owners recovering from surgery or serious illness, basset owners on active duty overseas, etc.<br><br><b>WILL HEROES AND SPECIAL PEOPLE AUTOMATICALLY GET CARDS?</b><br><br>No one on the Howliday Card Exchange is required to send to the extra list. However, they always seem to get cards from Droolers, another indication of the compassion of basset owners.<br><br><b>HOW DO I SIGN UP?</b><br><br>Watch for sign-up instructions to be posted on the Daily Drool soon. You'll have more than 2 weeks to sign up. </div><div style="font-size:12.8px"><br></div><div style="font-size:12.8px">In the meantime, start photographing your hounds or digging through old photos so you can begin making your cards. <br><br><br>Drool on,<br><br>Kacy Green Galloway with Cowboy and Rupert (my howliday elves)</div><div style="font-size:12.8px"><a href="mailto:Howlidaycards@gmail.com" target="_blank">Howlidaycards@gmail.com</a></div></div>