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Dear Merta Lou, I think you are getting a raw deal on spa days. You can do better. My slaves are no paragons, I assure you. but spa days here go like this. The she slave runs toasty but never hot water in the human bathroom bathtub (which is at floor level) which has a shower attachment with a long hose and sprinkler. We are lifted into the human bathtub one by one and rinsed with warm water, then sudzed with oatmeal shampoo and massaged all over with the warm water still running while the she slave murmurs babytalk reassurances. then we are rinsed again with that warm water and then lifted out of the tub and rubbed all over again with fluffy towels. Finally we are released to the yard to air dry<div>In the sunshine and play off our stress with one another in games of chase and tackle. there are three of us, bathed in turn. (It is always warm where I live). It is not terrible. No cold water, no dryers, no being elevated off the ground on skinny platforms with nooses around our necks. I personally don’t mind it much. my sister Mila the basset absolutely loves it and begs to be included every time the humans take showers. My sister IPo (the abused pit mix) is totally terrified of baths (like most other things) and hates it. anyway, I think this is probably a minimal acceptable standard for dog spa days and would insist on this if I were you. Cold hose water? no way, girl. stand up for civility! Mariah of Hawaii<br><div><br><br></div></div>