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Pam, please accept my condolences on Dexter's journey to the Rainbow Bridge. I believe God loves these wonderful creatures so much that He only lends them to us for a short while then needs them back Himself. He lends them to us so we will learn loyalty,
love, and patience.</div>
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Probably everyone on the Drool has lost a Basset or two or even dozens of them, but each time I read about one leaving tears come to my eyes remembering my "Girls" and reliving the heartbreak.</div>
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I also firmly believe that someday, if we are good enough, we will all be reunited with our pups and have a wonderful eternity to live and share with them.</div>
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Prayers for all and Rest In Peace Dexter.</div>
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Bill and my Heavenly "Girls"--Janie Anne, Siobhan Ringo, Lilly Dawn</div>
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