<div style="color:black;font: 12pt Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">I can't even remember how long we have been with the Drool - I have Caruso's Blanket - it is so dear to My Heart.
<div>I have So many Friends and Fellow Basset-eers... I Thank them All for Being my Friend and Being there When Comfort was Needed.<br>
<div>We Had many Generations - Samantha & Sandra, Rosie & Roo, Emily, Katie & Ivy, Misty & Daisy...Spanning 40 years. Oh, and a few Fosters in there too - LOL </div>
<div>It has been a blessing to have so many Basset Folks to Share, Understand, Love, Grieve, and Rejoice with a New Addition to continue life with.</div>
<div>Love You All ! </div>
<div>Kathy & Dan Sexton</div>