[Secretpawtner] a half hearted guess

Bunne Baum baumflowergirls at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 16:08:53 PDT 2008

I'm sure this isn't me but my last name has two vowels and 2
consonants. Don't suppose I'm your secret pawtner am I??

Bunne & The Flower Girls

>From: "Jessica Sutton" <Jessica at fmprofessionals.com>
>Subject: [Secretpawtner] Another clue for my SP
>To: <secretpawtner at dailydrool.org>
>Hello SP...I still haven't seen any guesses from you, but then again,
>I'm new to this so maybe I'm just not searching the archives
>correctly... (did my SP post or didn't my SP post??? Hmmmm)

>The clue for today is:

>Your last name has as many vowels as it does consonants.

>BWWAAAAHHHHAAHAHAHAHA!!!  We still haven't been guessed!!!

>Jessica L. Sutton

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