[Secretpawtner] Ann Hefner, are you our SP?

The Goose Gaggle Giggle giggle at amanda-s.net
Tue Aug 12 16:21:04 PDT 2008

Dearest Ann with four hounds who lives west of us,

1) We do post occasionally but not much recently and probably not in July.
We haven't been reading or posting to the Secret Pawtner list because we
forgot how to find it
2) Saugerties is a very historic town; named for Zauger Ties which means
Zauger's mill; was settled by the Dutch and is on the Hudson River
3) Oh this was too easy - Wannabe's name rhymes with breed - Corkie the
Yorkie.  We did not name him.  Puhleaze
4) We now  now have a bathroom big enough that all of
her hounds and wannabes can follow her in at the same time.  In fact our
Howliday card showed them all in the Jacuzzi.

That would be wonderful if you're our secret pawtner!  And we've already
received a lovely package from you - a great cookbook, The Countercruiser's
Guide to Dessert from Utah Basset Rescue, a magnet that says "Old dogs need
homes too" and a funny basset card that should have given it away - Cloos

Great cloos!  I just read all the posts from Aug 1 to today in one sitting,
so my head is spinning with all the possible combinations for other SPs!

Amanda and the Goose Gaggle Giggle, Brie, Toby, Molly, Janey D. Sherwin,
Baby Ruth the Hunk, Mell the Beagle and of course Corkie the Yorkie.

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