[Secretpawtner] we got a box today

nancy cohen.nancy at verizon.net
Wed Aug 13 18:08:42 PDT 2008

our package came today!!......thanks Ann DeBlaey and hounds.......we 
received window tags for our car er BUV which say pawtected by basset 
hound security, and thanks for remembering Hershey with one that says I 
love my chocolate lab, a rubber support basset rescue bracelet, , a 
rescue key chain , a book do your ears hang low?, a magnetic shopping 
list with a basset on it for the fridge...so i don't forget to buy 
cookies,we also got treats for the dogs , some of which come in 50 
calorie take away packs......ha ha......who's counting 
calories.....certainly not einstein  LOL     thanks, nancy, hershey and 

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