[Secretpawtner] Oh My Dawg, this is BIG! See Surprise #2 Below

Karen Steflik k9casa at escapees.com
Sat Aug 16 13:41:20 PDT 2008

Hi all

I just returned from my week in New York City late last night (Neil  
Diamond was fabuloso!) and came home to the first of two WONDERFUL  
surprises from my awesome Secret Pawtner, Judy Odinek, of New Mexico.

Surprise #1--was a box full of Tail Waggins Dog Bakery (Georgetown,  
TX) Treats for the houndies.  Spike, Snowy, Gomer, and Rosie all LOVED  
the Monkey Nut Blossoms, Pitza Bonz (hi Bob!) and Peepers!!!  The  
furkids were so excited to have their mom home and weren't going to  
let me go to bed until they had sampled all of the different treats!

Surprise #2 arrived today in the mail (was that good timing or what!)  
know we've all given and been given some great presents over the years  
(the year Susan Stoker had her mom make a custom Basset/Weimeraner  
quilt for her SP comes to mind) but this is incredible!!! Judy  
Odinek's husband, R.T., created for me a gorgeous round stained glass  
panel of a Basset Hound head!!!    I can't believe it!  I was so  
excited and thrilled and overwhelmed that I called them on the phone  
to thank them.  I am in shock and overjoyed, thank you again and  
again, Judy and R.T.  It is now hanging in my kitchen window where I  
can enjoy it many times throughout every day!  I will cherish it  
forever!  Also in the box (as if the stained glass wasn't enough!) was  
a cute basset magnet I didn't have, a metal Basset cutout magnet and a  
bookmark, yahooooo! I HIT THE JACKPOT!!

POOCHES GRACIAS, JUDY AND R.T.  Here's a link to some of Judy's  
work:   http://s208.photobucket.com/albums/bb248/jodinek/Kerstie/?

Karen and the k9casa in Colorado
Spike, Snowy, Gomer, and Rosie

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