[Secretpawtner] Where can I get one?

tomanddeb at tznet.com tomanddeb at tznet.com
Wed Aug 20 09:54:52 PDT 2008

Brenda, Do you think they could do one with a basset and a mini wire haired dachshound? If so email me with the cost etc and all the details and maybe I can get one too! They sound really nice. Thanks,  Debbie and the Masterpiece Bassets  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brenda Weddle 
  To: An internet mail list designed to DD Secret Pawtner clues and guesses. 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:52 AM
  Subject: Re: [Secretpawtner] Where can I get one?

  The DAILY DROOL Secret Pawtner Exchange


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  I bought the shirt and had it embroidered with the hounds and the words. It's really hard to find anything like that already made. If you want one, let me know the details and I will have one done for you. 
  Brenda and the Thundering Herd of Dog Woods Farm


  Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:20:56 -0400
  From: twobassetsonedoxie at gmail.com
  To: Secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
  Subject: [Secretpawtner] Where can I get one?

  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>best of all, a shirt that says "Hounds Rule" with a basset AND a daschund
  embroidered on it!!! I absolutely love it!!! My favorite kinds of hounds and
  my favorite color too. Brenda and the Thundering Herd, you are the bestest
  SP's!!! Thank you so much!! I love everything!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  Brenda and the Thundering Herd, I have got to know.......where did you find such a shirt?  You can email me off post if you like. I have 4 hounds now and 2 are female bassets and 2 are male doxies (minis) so I would love to find a shirt like that. Best of all, we have a semi casual style for work so I could wear it any day I wanted.

  Dee and the 4 hounds
  Maggie, Mazzie, Oliver and Cooper (the new boy)

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