[Secretpawtner] Secretpawtner Digest, Vol 9, Issue 32

Iabassetrescue iabassetrescue at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 12 19:21:37 PDT 2009

 CLUE 6# 
OUR SECRET Pawtner lives near a body of water or right on it.

www.petfinder.com/shelters/IA154 or
www.IOWABASSETRESCUE.org or our old site


From: "secretpawtner-request at dailydrool.org" <secretpawtner-request at dailydrool.org>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 8:39:20 PM
Subject: Secretpawtner Digest, Vol 9, Issue 32

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The DAILY DROOL Secret Pawtner Exchange


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L_JJ          \__JJ

Sign ups:  Friday, July 25 to Friday, August 1, 2008.

Packages due by:  August 23, 2008.

For more info:

Contact Donna: dlindy at mac.com

Today's Topics:

  1. Clue #3 (Alice)
  2. Re: Secretpawtner Digest, Vol 9, Issue 30 (Psy1801 at aol.com)
  3. Clues 5 and 6 (Ann DeBlaey)
  4. Janet and Twinkie (Mary Tassart)
  5. Fw: not sure if my first clue came through so here    it is
      again (isagen1 at netzero.net)
  6. Liz Kielley - I can't believe I got it! (mjdgwd at juno.com)
  7. Clue #6 (never went through the first time...) (rosekh at aol.com)
  8. Guess (Linda Dianis)
  9. another clue (Milmaddy at aol.com)
  10. Re: Clues 5 and 6 (DDropp at aol.com)
  11. Cynthia Dooley, is it us? (ROBERT M JR HOLLAND)
  12. Archives?? (Ann DeBlaey)
  13. Clue #6 (rosekh at aol.com)
  14. cloo no. 6 and a recap (Linda Dianis)
  15. another cloo (ROBERT M JR HOLLAND)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 20:02:58 -0400
From: "Alice" <dognpony at ptd.net>
To: "Secret posts" <secretpawtner at dailydrool.org>
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Clue #3
Message-ID: <7586EC695E0B4796A971A2D6ECFB7CCC at ownerPC>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

I went to the official web site for your town.  I liked it because it had a 
link for horses for sale!

#2:  SP, you and I have met in person, even though you live a niczillion 
miles away.

I also Googled my SP's address and saw mostly trees and bushes!  So that's 
clue #1.

The Jersey Girls plus two
PW Harley Chick, RN CGC; Fred RN CGC; Miss Harley Puppy, CGC; Molly 
Annie & Scotch, the horses; Charley, the parrot 


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 20:39:14 EDT
From: Psy1801 at aol.com
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: Re: [Secretpawtner] Secretpawtner Digest, Vol 9, Issue 30
Message-ID: <c11.3375b640.37b4bab2 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

yes you is! 

In a message dated 8/12/2009 7:04:11 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
secretpawtner-request at dailydrool.org writes:

Message:  13
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:40:25 -0400
From: Annika Francis  <asf66 at cox.net>
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Sirius, are we your  pawtners?
To: "An internet mail list designed to DD Secret Pawtner clues  and
guesses."    <secretpawtner at dailydrool.org>
Cc: Psy1801 at aol.com
Message-ID:  <20090812184025.TFILB.119090.imail at eastrmwml38>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=utf-8

We are a boy and girl, 4 and 2....you are  3....hm...that clue works!
We live south of you in VA, you're in  NY......hm, that clue works too! 
And this our first  guess......

Soooooooo........are we your pawtners?????  

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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 19:06:06 -0500
From: "Ann DeBlaey" <adeblaey at excel.net>
To: <secretpawtner at dailydrool.org>
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Clues 5 and 6
Message-ID: <BC2F5C6669BB4C898FF02182FC0099D0 at computer2393xl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Clue Five:  Your state fruit is a cranberry and so is ours.

Clue Six:  Your state dog is a type of water dog and so is ours.

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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:08:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mary Tassart <bassetdriver at yahoo.com>
To: Secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Janet and Twinkie
Message-ID: <977291.33325.qm at web45302.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Yes you are our pawtners. You have one package on the way and we will be sending another from our house before the late date. Nice to meet someone from Michigan. 
Mary and Norm

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 01:07:08 GMT
From: "isagen1 at netzero.net" <isagen1 at netzero.net>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Fw: not sure if my first clue came through so
    here    it is again
Message-ID: <20090812.210708.25706.3 at webmail02.dca.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

geez...i signed off just Ilene and Charlie and forgot my new  girl Viv...what a bad slave. 

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: "isagen1 at netzero.net" <isagen1 at netzero.net>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] not sure if my first clue came through so here it is again
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 00:59:24 GMT

The DAILY DROOL Secret Pawtner Exchange


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L_JJ          \__JJ

Sign ups:  Friday, July 25 to Friday, August 1, 2008.

Packages due by:  August 23, 2008.

For more info:

Contact Donna: dlindy at mac.com
You live in a town that is named after something that we all tend to do many times a 

Ilene (and Charlie)

Criminal Lawyers - Click here.
Secretpawtner mailing list
Secretpawtner at dailydrool.org


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 01:10:00 GMT
From: "mjdgwd at juno.com" <mjdgwd at juno.com>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Liz Kielley - I can't believe I got it!
Message-ID: <20090812.211000.21516.0 at webmail02.vgs.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Your clues were wonderful!  I just happened to remember that I sent you fudge last year from your secret pawtner  - that and the fact that Olive and Chunky are named after food clinched it!  I even forgot that Chunky was named after a candy bar!  I have never figured out the clues this early!
This was really fun!
Get your dream car or truck. Click here.
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Message: 7
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:14:16 -0400
From: rosekh at aol.com
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Clue #6 (never went through the first
Message-ID: <8CBE9CA82B52BDD-ABC-20CB at mblk-d45.sysops.aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Fred Hughes here!??Annie is pushing me out of the way, cuz SHE wants to give a clue now (she's good at pushing us outta the way...she's always pushing mommy so she can take her seat on the couch!)? Anyway, I'm gonna let her, cuz her clue is really good.? That's just cuz I've been giving clues every day, and she's had 4 days to think up ONE clue!? Anyway, here's my little clue:

Clue #6F:? We haven't seen our SP take a guess yet (we don't THINK our SP has guessed...unless we missed it!)


Ok, my turn!? Annie Lynn Hughes, that's me!??Fred thinks people aren't guessing us cuz his clues are sooo good.? I'm thinking it's cuz they're so bad!? Well, here's MY clue.? See what you think:

Clue #6A:? One of our SP's?hounds has something in common with our mommy.



Clue #5:? If we visited our Secret Pawtner's city, we'd be panting a lot, cuz it's kinda hard to breathe up there.

Clue #4:? Our SP hasn't gotten their gift yet (as of 8/12.)

Clue #3:? Our SP's city reminds mom of a musical tragedy.

Clue #2:? Our SP has a big brother basset and a little sister basset, just like us.

Clue #1:? Frontier Airlines stops in our SP's city.



Fred (don't worry,?Annie'll be asleep on the couch again soon, and I'll be back at the helm!), Annie (I bet our SP guesses us now) and Rose (the mommy)

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Message: 8
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:22:56 -0400
From: Linda Dianis <ldianis at comcast.net>
To: isagen1 at netzero.net
Cc: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Guess
Message-ID: <F169B448-2C13-428C-A932-C62CBEF2DD87 at comcast.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

I live in BOW, part of bowing and also bowwow; which the hounds do  
many times a day...
Is it us? I am going crazy. Have not had any guesses, and answers to  


Message: 9
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:24:40 EDT
From: Milmaddy at aol.com
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] another clue
Message-ID: <cc9.58383dc0.37b4c558 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I have only seen 1 clue given by my SP and 0 gusses
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Message: 10
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:26:49 EDT
From: DDropp at aol.com
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: Re: [Secretpawtner] Clues 5 and 6
Message-ID: <d62.3e74f2a4.37b4c5d9 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Ann could I an the hounds be  your SP.  You seem to be picking on  
Wisconsin, where I live.  Is it us.

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 
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Message: 11
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:32:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: ROBERT M JR HOLLAND <holland_r at bellsouth.net>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Cynthia Dooley, is it us?
Message-ID: <665040.9767.qm at web180715.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

1. I have one houndie girl.
2. I live nearest to the east coast, but I have no idea where you live.
3. This is my first guess.
4. I just started posting last night.
5. My state reptile is a box turtle.
6. I posted at 11 p.m. last night, so I could have been sleeping on the job today.
7. Cannot figure out how the last clue applies to me. 

I am so confused! Please let it be us!
Joanne and Peaches Holland
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Message: 12
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:30:07 -0500
From: "Ann DeBlaey" <adeblaey at excel.net>
To: <secretpawtner at dailydrool.org>
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Archives??
Message-ID: <A80E0B81356C41D0BF1ED03E38C07BB4 at computer2393xl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello all,
Would somebody please send me the address for the archives.
Thanks Ann
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Message: 13
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 19:34:54 -0400
From: rosekh at aol.com
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Clue #6
Message-ID: <8CBE9BCA12804B4-ABC-1C5E at mblk-d45.sysops.aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Fred Hughes here!??Annie is pushing me out of the way, cuz SHE wants to give a clue now (she's good at pushing us outta the way...she's always pushing mommy so she can take her seat on the couch!)? Anyway, I'm gonna let her, cuz her clue is really good.? That's just cuz I've been giving clues every day, and she's had 4 days to think up ONE clue!? Anyway, here's my little clue:

Clue #6F:? We haven't seen our SP take a guess yet.

Ok, my turn!? Annie Lynn Hughes, that's me!??Fred thinks people aren't guessing us cuz his clues are sooo good.? I'm thinking it's cuz they're so bad!? Well, here's MY clue.? See what you think:

Clue #6A:? One of our SP's?hounds has something in common with our mommy.


Clue #5:? If we visited our Secret Pawtner's city, we'd be panting a lot, cuz it's kinda hard to breathe up there.

Clue #4:? Our SP hasn't gotten their gift yet (as of 8/12.)

Clue #3:? Our SP's city reminds mom of a musical tragedy.

Clue #2:? Our SP has a big brother basset and a little sister basset, just like us.

Clue #1:? Frontier Airlines stops in our SP's city.


Fred (don't worry,?Annie'll be asleep on the couch again soon, and I'll be back at the helm!), Annie (I bet our SP guesses us now) and Rose (the mommy)

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Message: 14
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:39:16 -0400
From: Linda Dianis <ldianis at comcast.net>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] cloo no. 6 and a recap
Message-ID: <768B35AC-655E-416A-865F-A1A4D3A22DD2 at comcast.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed;

The recap thing is a VERY good idea. I do not know if anyone was  
thinking of these clues, tho; they should have knocked out a lot of  
people by now?
I think I am at the end of my rope, or at least tearing out hair! I  
have no idea who has us, either, and am muttering, muttering,  
guessing, wondering. Not getting much done this week...
Cloo 1 8/9: We hear from you from time to time,/Your bassets---they  
are tri

Some treats I'll buy and words I'll rhyme,/ My cloos to simplify....

Cloo 2 8/9: OOOOh OOOOh/I just can't wait this one to tell you

I live by the Merrimack River, it's true,/But YOU live by a river with  
my town in it, too!

Cloo 3 8/10: One hound defended Elder-C/And one, when kissed, is quite  

You met Miss Becky once, I see/So that?s my cloo (it?s number three)

Cloo 4  8/11: Habla espanol? I tease,/I know your hounds speak  

Google shows your block with a few big trees,/And one more cloo: no  

Cloo 5 8/12: Your studly guy was once alone, until you saved the day,/ 
Your girly one has her own ball with which she likes to play,

Your bassets, tri, are only two---like mine, I mean to say,/But mine  
are almost 5 and 6; and yours, older---okay?


Why, CeeCee, it?s a bird!---no, it?s a plane!

Your houndies have been shown to wear their boots in snow, not rain.

This pastime of SP has been a challenge to my brain!

But not a bummer, nor a burden, not a drag, not a pain.

Linda, with Otis bday boy, and Nellybelly


Message: 15
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:39:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: ROBERT M JR HOLLAND <holland_r at bellsouth.net>
To: secretpawtner at dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] another cloo
Message-ID: <651362.76074.qm at web180708.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

To my dear SP,
When you and the houndies are driving down the road, you'd better be very careful and watch out for flying things.

Of course, this applies to everyone on this list, but my SP will recognize herself when she reads this, I think.

We're?getting confusered by the minute.
Joanne and Peaches
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End of Secretpawtner Digest, Vol 9, Issue 32

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