[Secretpawtner] You finally got us!!

sandstorm16 at juno.com sandstorm16 at juno.com
Thu Aug 20 06:21:18 PDT 2009

Dearest Cowboy, Rupert, and "blondey"!!!

Yes, yes, YES!!!!! You indeed are our SPs!!!!!  Your little weekend away
must have cleared the fog from your brain. ;-) We're so glad you got it
and saved moi's head from that stone wall!!!!

Answer to the little Brudder Elwood cloo:  u reek uh = Eureka, the state
motto of California, which also stands for "I found it", as you have just
done!  We like to be a bit cryptic on the early cloos. Don't want to give
it away too fast!

So, congrats and your package will be sent by Monday at the latest. daMom
is still werkin' on one of the pressies, but she does pretty good under
deadlines!!! Moi just keeps on nudgin' her and eventually stuff gets

Penny Lynn and the much relieved scribe Sandy (who only gets on the puter
once a day or so, otherwise nuthin' gets done!!)

PS--On the sister city cloo you answered incorrectly from someone
else---it's usually a city from another country. We know LA is a whole
different country from San Diego, at least in feel, but.......  heh heh 
An example is Los Alamos's sister city is Sarov, Russia. Sort of a
cultural exchange thingy! So now ya know!
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