[Secretpawtner] our SP pawkage

Sandra Culpepper scvld at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 27 23:34:10 PDT 2010

It came tadey!!! 
Fanks,fanks,facks-to my new Uncle John an' Daisey Mae!--Da tweets you sent me wer so good!!  I nebber had dem before--
Mom slabe gabe me one fur a bedtime snack.  An' da mom slabe reely lub,lub,lubs her towels!!  Dey hab a pichur ob Daisey Mae in a heart embroidered on dem.
John Falk, our secret pawtner, sent us some towels that were Daisey Mae's pledge incentives for the MBR Waddle. Thanks John, and thanks so much for all you do to help the homeless houndies!!
Thanks again to Suzie, Daisey Mae, Mollie Mae, Barney, and Dad too!
Sandra Culpepper and Bianca 		 	   		  
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