[Secretpawtner] Gwen, Teddi, Madden & Sasha

Laura Echelbarger Laura.Echelbarger at MascoCabinetry.com
Tue Aug 9 04:37:10 PDT 2011

Could you be our SP??  I'm taking a stab in the dark!  :-)

Laura and Major

-----Original Message-----
From: secretpawtner-bounces at lists.dailydrool.org [mailto:secretpawtner-bounces at lists.dailydrool.org] On Behalf Of Gwen Dossey
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 7:23 AM
To: secretpawtner at lists.dailydrool.org
Subject: [Secretpawtner] Clues

The DAILY DROOL Secret Pawtner Exchange


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2011 Signups:  July 22 - August 1, 2011

Mailing deadlines:  Aug. 19, 2011 for outside USA;  Aug. 26, 2011 within USA

For more info:


Contact Donna: dwlindy at comcast.net

Dear SP:

We are sorry that we haven't posted clues in a couple of days!  it's just too hard to do so from home with a little one around vying for my attention!! (hint #1)

I finally got caught up on all of the SP digests and noticed that you didn't post over the weekend either (hint #2)

Here are some clues to get you caught up...
#4 You live 2571.6 northeast of us which is 37 hours and 20 minutes away from us (not including potty breaks), but only 3 hours from the momma's favorite roller coasters!!
#5 We have the same number of hounds
#6 2/3's of our hounds are older than your hounds

#3 You live too far away for a play date
#2 Someone already thought you were their SP (but they weren't)
#1 You have already posted a clue (at least one)

Do you know who we are yet?!?!?

 ~Gwen, Teddi, Madden & Sasha~ (:> 
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