[Secretpawtner] Caloo #8

Kimi Adolph kimizmail at comcast.net
Wed Aug 10 10:22:48 PDT 2011

Maybes our caloos is too hard cuz ain't nobuddy tried to gwess us yet. Or maybes we isn't too good at twis game cuz we don't see any caloos for us yet eber. So SP, yous pay attention cuz we is writing to yous!

Caloo nubber 8: Yous momma give you nickname that could means you is berry loverly looking or berry speedy! 


 nubber 1: Mom says I can't come bisit yous guys. We'd hab to cross 
eleben (right mom? Eleben? You sure?) states and dribe 2890 miles to 
meet eberyone!
            mini caloos: we lib in the West and is always under the rains and I hate the rains!

Caloo  nubber 2: There be 16 paws in yous house, but they isn't all big basset footers.

Caloo nubber 3: My Dad named me abter Jim Edmonds. You would neber seem him do his job in your state! 

Caloo nubber 4: You let more than just 
yous own fur-kids come bisit/get lubs from time to time until they find 
theirs foreber family (like I did). 

Caloo nubber 5: Momma says eberytime she reads about one of yous 
bassets it makes her want a... (mabini? marwini? How yous spells it 
again Momma?) oh yeah.. M-A-R-T-I-N-I.

Caloo nubber 6: Momma could see her favorite hockey teab play in your 
state abter a long plane ride AND yous state's nickname was a funby 
movie with Natalie Portman and Zach Braff.

Caloo nubber 7: I is a boy houndie, and you have hab a boy and a "Lady" 
friend in yous house always! (sometimes udders, but they don't stay 

Still playing, but not seeing any caloos for us .. 

Edmond Dawd & Kimi 
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