[Secretpawtner] Found out!

Daria dariaemma at verizon.net
Fri Aug 10 18:26:44 PDT 2012

Rats!  I guess I'm not too good at giving the clues.  I should have just come out and said " HEY! DAWN IN PENNSYLVANIA!  I'M YOUR SECRET PAWTNER!  I had a clue all set about the Mason Dixon line and the Drum family and liberty bells and pirates and ravens Lake Erie. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!! Oh well, now I can concentrate on the goody box. I have some great things lined up. Please email me privately and let me know about any allergies you or doggies have. 
Oh, yeah, I ha d a clue in the works about how some of your 4leggers are named after characters in old TV shows.  ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! 

From your south of the Mason-Dixon, but formerly from Rhode Island YANKEE, now inFLORIDA
Daria and Tony the native Floridian basset
Sent from my iPad

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