[Secretpawtner] no, Tana Gurls

Mr Shannon R Gerdel bassethoundbutler at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 19:51:03 PDT 2012

Dear Tana Girls,

We be not yuse SP dis year, but we finks we mite hab found ours a moment ago
sides dat, if we did have you, Boo would mail hisself inna box dontcha know
Wes finks de wuld ob you Girls, and not what Boo be finkin right now
If he dont get his mind outta da cwows, I'm goona put a frown on his brow
Houndie Hugs and Snooter Kisses frum da Caspaw Cwew! Yours in Dwool,

Arnie ATB
Butler Shannon-DDOD (Dat dum ol dad; an absowute total, compwete BassetCase)

Mr. Shannon R Gerdel
3583 Meadowlark Drive
Casper WY 82604
Home: (307) 337-2144
Cell: (307) 797-6041
bassethoundbutler at gmail.com
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