[Secretpawtner] clue 10

Mr Shannon R Gerdel bassethoundbutler at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 17:32:18 PDT 2012

I almost started to feel a little guilty about being so vague
But the other day you said you liked being that way

Let me just say one more thing, because mean I cannot be
We have done this before in recent history

Hi there SP,
Clue 1: This might be harder than it was in the past
I don't know if I can find enough clues to last
Lets just say that you have 8 more of these than I do
And that will be it for your first clue.

Clue 2 the places we live share a few things in common.

Clue 3: We  have participated together in tan activity that raises
money for Basset Reacue before.

Clue 4:
Hello there SP,
Have I started to drive you crazy?
This is clue number four,
If I am vague enough, there will be more
You have shown extra kindness to me,
So have many in the Drool family

Clue 5:
I suppose more clues I should attempt to try to give to you SP
the state You live in has more of these than any other in the country

Clue 6:
 There are many great things in your state, some really live in style
a man from your state warned people about a man named Lyle

Clue 7
I have 2 more of these than you do, please forgive me for this clues delay
Had I been in the right frame of mind, my clues would have started this way

Clue 8
You recently hit the century mark, but where I will not say
You'll just have to guess at what I am talking about today

Okay, that's enough for now

Good afternoon Sp, How are you doing on this Wednesday
I bet your growing weary of the clues sent your way.
Not to worry SP, Here is another clue to think about today
You need to find a better excuse for being late I say
It's not as if the same thing hasn't happened before
And it's not like it's not ever gonna happen anymore
(note that the above clue was a little sarcastic)

Houndie Hugs and Snooter Kisses frum da Caspaw Cwew! Yours in Dwool,

Arnie ATB
Butler Shannon-DDOD (Dat dum ol dad; an absowute total, compwete BassetCase)

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