[Secretpawtner] Double thanks to Maddy!

mjdgwd at juno.com mjdgwd at juno.com
Thu Aug 16 06:49:55 PDT 2012

And the goodies keep coming!  Maddy, you are the best!  We got the 2013 Planner with the Queen-to-be Vivian on the cover - just as pretty as she is in "the fur".  Such a lovely sweet girl - and mom to one of Chunky's buddies, Charlie.  She will make a lovely queen.  

And then we got a beautiful set of RED (my favorite color) pillow cases from Bessie's Boutique.  Would you believe they are a close match to a quilt I got from Kay Jordan a couple of years ago!  And that was all on top of the kissing basset salt and pepper shakers I got last week!

Thank you again!

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