[Secretpawtner] Same/Similar names

CANDY DUSEK lovebassets at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 20 09:55:32 PDT 2012

I just knew it!  The funny thing was that Candy DePaul guessed my name, but I had to break the news that I didn't have her name.  However, I told her that I suspected we would be pawtners some day!  The next day I find out she had my name!!
Thank you for making this so much fun, Donna.  This exchange is always something to look forward to each summer!
Contact Donna: dwlindy at comcast.net
Candy, you are so right about this year's pawtners. Now that just
about everyone has guessed their pawtners, I will fess up! Pairing
up names for secret pawtner gets to be rather difficult after several
years - I really want to try and give everyone someone they've
never had before or maybe that they don't know so a new friendship
can be made. In the past, I've just pretty much paired people up
according to the order they signed up but then it seemed that the
same people were signing up early on and others later on . . . I
consider the number of dogs people have to a point - you can't
always work that out, but then it seemed to limit the choices for
the pawtners who have a higher number of dogs. So this year
most of the pawtners for the clues list were paired alphabetically
by first names. We do have more than one Candy, Susan, Sandi,
Laura, Kathy, Dawn, Barb, etc. and so some of you wound up
with pawtners with the same first name! The hound names I
didn't even consider so the two Maggie Maes were purely
by accident. Before I decided to pair the names this
way, I had already paired up those of you who are not
alphabetical by name so I just left those as they were. And
that is the answer to Candy's comment about similar and
same names!
Did anyone else notice we had several same name pawtners??


Candy Dusek
Maggie Mae www.dogster.com/dogs/166615
C. Higgins www.dogster.com/dogs/923059
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