[Secretpawtner] Cloo #3

Robyn van den Bemd rockyhorseaz at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 09:54:34 PDT 2012

Yesterday weez gave

cloo #1  "Dere beez 2 houndiez in yooz house, just like in ourz house"

Den weez gave yoo cloo #2  "Weez live in Arizona.  Yooz live in a
state dat beez eeeeest of us."

Now weez give  yoo cloo #3 -  Weez were doing sum reesearch and weez
see dat yoor state has de most popular state animal of de White-tailed
Deer (dere about 10 udder states dat share dat az deir state animal).

Shango & Luna (and Mommy Robyn)
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