[Secretpawtner] Clue 4 and recap

Mr Shannon R Gerdel bassethoundbutler at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 19:04:44 PDT 2013

Hello there SP, I hope that your day was really hip
Looking at your map reminds me of a song by Kip

​clue #1:​
We each have the same amount of Bassets

clue #2:
Hi dare SP, Hows youse and the Hounds tonight?
Findin cwoos for yuse be gibbin DDOD a fwight
​We should be fwends, do we knot be yet
Maybe youll accept if da cwoos is no fret:)​

​clue #3:
oops, my oh my where has the day gone too
I promise I didn't forget about you
​ours is in the first's, mine is in the last
next clue be after more time has past

Houndie Hugs and Snooter Kisses frum da Caspaw Cwew! Yours in Dwool,



Arnie ATB

Butler Shannon-DDOD (Dat dum ol dad; an absowute, topaw, compwete

Mr. Shannon R. Gerdel
3583 Meadowlark Drive
Casper WY 82604
bassethoundbutler at gmail.com
(307) 337-2144
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