[Secretpawtner] CLOO # 2

MDe4379901 at aol.com MDe4379901 at aol.com
Mon Aug 12 15:59:21 PDT 2013

Ok, so we are guessing.  Living in Vermont we are  probably east of quite a 
few folks.  Google map showed green, we are the  Green Mountain state.  So 
by any chance, are we your secret  pawtners?
Sailor & Tug
In a message dated 8/12/2013 3:13:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
rockyhorseaz at gmail.com writes:

The  DAILY DROOL Secret Pawtner  Exchange


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Shango and Lunabelle heer wif anudder cloo fur yoo - ourz seecwet  pawtner. 
 Yesterday weez sent yoo Cloo #1 which beed dat yoo live east of  us  
Today weez were spying on yoor house thru dis Google maps thing and it  
sure looks green where yoo live!  Dat beez a lot different fwum where  weez  

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Secretpawtner at lists.dailydrool.org

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