<font class="Apple-style-span" face="monospace, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif" size="3"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; white-space: pre;"><font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 13px; white-space: normal;">Many, many thank yous to Walli and Windy, Annie and Toby! Yesterday we received a package for me with an adorable big headed basset bank (perfect for my desk at work) and a beautiful basset w/crystals nightlight. I have never seen anything like it and it's really lovely!</span></font></span></font> <!-- end of AOLMsgPart_0_1c08f7aa-dfc4-47cb-aea8-ad9737268e09 -->
<div>Today, in the midst of a massive thunderstorm the mailman ran to the door with another package! Inside, a giant bag of treats home made by Angelika and her furry assistants for Flash and Amelia. They've already taste tested and LOVE them!</div>
<div>Thank you both so much!!</div>
<div>Flash and Amelia</div>
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