<font color='black' size='2' face='arial'><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>Mary is it you? I think that I can answer all these questions!<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both"> </div>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Hi My secret pawtner!<br>
I just want you to know that I am out here and I am watching you make your guesses. Bless you! Perhaps it is time to ease up a little!<br>
Here is a clue I hope you will get! : ) <br>
Here it is, clue #6 : <br>
With a household of houndies, such as yours, if you ever found yourself prone on the floor ,<br>
you sure would have a lovely view of downward facing dogs! <STRONG> Well I am a Yoga Instructor<br>
</STRONG> <br>
Clue #1 : You live in a state that has a city with a name of a famous explorer. <STRONG> Columbus OH<br>
</STRONG> <br>
Clue#2 : Lake Erie is North of you and Lake Michigan is East of me. <STRONG>I am not sure exactly where you live because I can't find a lot of info on you but I know I live NORTH of Lake Erie!<br>
Clue#3: One, perhaps two of our dogs share the same name! (emphasis on PERHAPS) <STRONG> PERHAPS....<br>
</STRONG>Clue#4: The name of the town where you live could be compared to a waterway at capacity! (This one is kindof wierd! ) : ) <STRONG>Canal FULton OH<br>
</STRONG>clue # 5: You do just like most of us do each morning, awaken and give salutations to the sun. However, you might do it in the afternoon or maybe at night! I<STRONG> do I do! I teach at least 1 yoga class a day just varies as to the time of day!<br>