<div>Dear Penny Lynn & daSlave Sandy</div>
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<div>We have looked over the clues & we don't think you need to put my name in the next clue. We think that you are our SP. </div>
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<div>1) You have 3 times as many bassets in your house than moi & daSlave have in our house. </div>
<div> You are 1, we are 3 This clue put you on the "maybe" list.</div>
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<div>2) Moi & daMom see you have been posting clues for your SP already.</div>
<div> Too vague, everyone was posting </div>
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<div>3) If people were still named for the jobs they do, you would have been an artisan. </div>
<div> This put you on the short list. I have a friend who is a potter, not a cousin but the kind that works with clay. :)</div>
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<div>4) Some of your hounds sound like they could belong to the new Duke & Duchess of ___________ (Fill in the blank)</div></div>
<div> This clue has fooled me before, there are several hounds with Shakespearean named characters on the Drool.</div>
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<div>5) Here is a little basset math for you to solve. 1 r + 1 j = 4 b</div>
<div> I haven't had algebra since college, so this one stumped me. Maybe One Romeo + One Juliet = Four Busters? </div>
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<div>6) With all that has been going on in your life lately you must be in a "daze"</div>
<div> My little town has a summer celebration called DeSoto Daze, who else would have that?</div>
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<div>7) You are friends with a good friend of mine who helped you with a "moving" problem. </div>
<div> Although, I haven't moved recently, I did rescue a basset locally & helped him get cross country to HOP with the help of a mutual friend who was wonderful enough to extend an over night stay to this sweet old guy & his travel partner.</div>
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<div>So is it you? Are you our SP? If you aren't our SP then it's back to square one for me, because no one else is on the short list. </div>
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<div>Thanks, this has been fun!</div>
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<div>Romeo, Juliet & Buster</div>
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