<font color='midnightblue' size='2' face='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'> Wese S<font size="2"><font face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif">O</font></font> 'cited...wese put on owr thinkercaps and fawt and fawt and den us did it! Auntie Emily Gareis and the Gareis Gurls are we<font size="2"><font face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif">e</font></font>z SecrutPawtner!!! Last nite, Mamaslabe tawked and tawked on Facerbook to herz. We lubs SecrutPawtner timez 'cuz we makes new furends all ober the uniberse! Wut? Not uniberse? Worl? Not worl eeber? Harump...wut den? Kuntree? Dat better Ms. Goody Two Paws<font size="2"><font face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif">,</font></font> Dewiwah? Fine! Anyroo, we cannot wate to get our Secrut Stufz.<font size="2"><font face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif"> Dis R SO fun!</font></font><br>
<font color="midnightblue" face="Comic Sans MS, sans-serif" size="2">
To Auntie Brenda - Mama seyz yur goodies be a comin...<br>
Lub and snooters, <br>
Daisy Bewwe ob the NJ 4<br>
Daisy Bewwe, Delilah, Dozer and Dudley<br>
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